Xochimilco Floating Gardens with Arca Tierra
Tuesday, February 06, 2024- 02:00 pm
- $375 USD | MEX$6,875
Recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site for its astonishing beauty and contribution to civilization, the canal-crossed neighborhood of Xochimilco is one of the oldest in Mexico City. The chinampas date back earlier than the Aztecs, who built wood and clay rafts that would eventually root and become the human-made islands that form the lush canals of today’s Xochimilco, one of the world’s most historically productive and sustainable […] Read More
- Lucio Usobiaga Arca Tierra
- Donnie Masterston The Restaurant
- Eduardo 'Lalo' García Máximo Bistrot
Recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site for its astonishing beauty and contribution to civilization, the canal-crossed neighborhood of Xochimilco is one of the oldest in Mexico City. The chinampas date back earlier than the Aztecs, who built wood and clay rafts that would eventually root and become the human-made islands that form the lush canals of today’s Xochimilco, one of the world’s most historically productive and sustainable agricultural systems. We will take a ride on one of the garden’s colorful, flat-bottomed trajineras to see a slice of the expansive canal system, where mariachi music wafts through the air from floating fiestas drifting down nearby canals. Lucio Usobiaga, founder of Arca Tierra, will tell us a bit about the efforts to restore the chinampas and preserve the neighborhood’s agricultural legacy. We’ll sample some of the over 50 varieties of fruits and vegetables grown in the canals at dinner with our good friends, Donnie Masterston and Eduardo García. At The Restaurant in nearby San Miguel de Allende, Chef Donnie works with many of the areas best farmers and producers. He’s coming into town to cook with chef Eduardo, whose restaurant, Máximo Bistrot, regularly makes it onto the list of Latin America’s 50 Best Restaurants for their ingredient-driven seasonal cuisine with a focus on traditional Mexican cooking techniques.
Reconocido por la UNESCO como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por su belleza y su contribución a la civilización, el vecindario cruzado por canales de Xochimilco es uno de los más antiguos de la Ciudad de México. Las chinampas se remontan a antes de los aztecas, quienes construyeron balsas de madera y arcilla que eventualmente arraigarían y se convertirían en las islas artificiales que forman los canales del Xochimilco actual, uno de los sistemas agrícolas históricamente más productivos y sostenibles del mundo. Daremos un paseo en una de las coloridas trajineras de fondo plano del jardín para conocer una parte del extenso sistema de canales, donde la música de mariachi se eleva en el aire desde las fiestas flotantes que avanzan por los canales cercanos. Lucio Usobiaga, fundador de Arca Tierra, nos contará un poco sobre los esfuerzos para restaurar las chinampas y preservar el legado agrícola del vecindario. Probaremos algunas de las más de 50 variedades de frutas y verduras cultivadas en los canales durante la cena con uno de los mejores chefs de la Ciudad de México.